Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Under Attack

       I think we are under attack by the Devil right now. I know to many of you this will sound like an extremely weird statement but I do believe that the Devil is real and does try to destroy Christians. I didn't always believe this but since going back to the church and becoming a faithful student of the Bible again, I do believe it now. I see the reality of it in peoples lives and feel it in our own right now. This doesn't mean that I think that every bad thing that happens is because of Satan. People make bad choices and sometimes bad things just happen but I do feel like this time, for us, the Devil is trying hard to spoil all that we are trying to do for God and our family. We have never in our lives had a string of "bad luck" like the one we've had since purchasing our home. The home that we were moving to so we could give our kids a simpler more Christian upbringing, away from some of the distractions of the outside world. The home we still can't live in because of the robbery, the home that for some unexplainable reason our insurance company can't even get repair men to fix correctly or in a timely manner. The home that we can barely get to to fix because we have had an unending stream of illness in our family. Not just colds and stuff but things like pneumonia and bronchitis, ear infections that need 2 courses of antibiotics to cure and stomach flu. Twice. Who gets stomach flu twice in a month? People who are being attacked by Satan, that's who! We made a commitment to spend Holy Week in peace and prayer and what happened? We ended up flat on our backs in misery or hanging our heads over a bucket. No church, no bible study, no nothing. We did do some family devotions here and there but is definitely wasn't the Holy Week we'd been hoping for.

    Our trials are so small compared to what Job went through and I know that everything that we're going through fits God purpose for us. I'm working hard on faith and patience right now. I'm trying really hard to put my trust in the Lord and not in physical things. And I'm trying to see the bigger picture and look to the end result. It's just so hard when it seems so far off. But that's what faith and salvation are all about. Belief in things unseen and trust in our future in Heaven.

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