Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Try to remember.

   We had such a nice weekend working out at the house. We have been trying to remember why we wanted the house and what we were doing all of it for. We know now, this weekend gave us back our desire. We fished, we played, we had a campfire, we saw bald eagles fly overhead, it was glorious! We started the electrical part of the renovation today and so far, so good. Our electrician was very impressed with the size of the beams and the sturdiness of the house overall and thinks the house is older than we thought based on the lumber used to build it. It's kind of exciting to know your home has been around for well over 100 years and will probably be there for at least another 100! I needed someone to appreciate our house! Now that we have the upstairs painted, we're planning on moving in this coming weekend and I'll just be grilling till we get the stove in! It's going to be nice not having to drive 20 minutes just to measure something or do a little painting. I can't wait to just be there.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Keep on Keepin' on...

   We're still working hard to finish the house. We are getting closer to a move in date as most of the bedroom renovating is almost done. As soon as we can get the beds and dressers in, we'll move and can do the rest of it in time.  We've also made good headway in the family room and living room though my arms are screaming with fatigue from the wallpaper steamer. (still so grateful to have it though!) Our insurance company has done NOTHING for the house in over 2 weeks and it's very frustrating.  Our poor kids are really suffering from having us so focused and busy with the house, leaving not much time for anything else. My 9 yr. old son had a breakdown last night because he just wants to be a "normal family" again. We all do. We are running the race set before us, and are trying not to tire mentally. Physically we're about done in.